Mystery Deepens as Boy Rescued from Endarasha Fire Among Missing Pupils
In the aftermath of the devastating fire at Hillside Endarasha Academy, the family of 11-year-old Robinson Theuri is desperately searching for answers. Despite reports that he was rescued from the fire, Robinson remains missing, intensifying his family’s anguish.
Robinson, a Grade 6 pupil at the school, was last seen on the day of the tragedy. His mother, Angeline Wambui, shared the heart-wrenching journey of trying to locate her son. “A friend told us they were given blankets to cover themselves because it was freezing. After that, he never saw him again,” she revealed. The boy was among those initially rescued, but he has since vanished without a trace.
The lack of information has left Robinson’s family in a state of despair. Wambui has reached out to anyone who may have knowledge of her son’s whereabouts. “If you are a parent or even a stranger, and maybe you rescued him from the Hillside Endarasha Academy fire tragedy, please contact me,” she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. She provided a contact number, 0729383360, for anyone with details that could lead to finding Robinson.
Unfortunately, Robinson is not the only student unaccounted for following the fire. Another family is similarly searching for their son, Brandon Kinuthia, who also remains missing.
The uncertainty surrounding the whereabouts of these children has plunged their parents into panic, leaving them clinging to hope amid their fears.
The incident has left the entire Endarasha community in shock. Parents, relatives, and school staff are anxiously awaiting updates on the missing students, praying for their safe return. The fire, which swept through the school, has caused an immense emotional toll on all involved.
As families continue their frantic search, the question remains—where are the missing pupils, and what happened after the fire?
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Mystery Deepens as Boy Rescued from Endarasha Fire Among Missing Pupils